Chaplet of Renewal of Our Common Home

Reflect rather than recite.

Chaplet of Renewal of Our Common Home came about in 2021. After attending a webinar hosted by Greg Kennedy from the Ignatius Jesuit Centre, I was inspired to create this chaplet. Mother Earth is hurting and what can I do about it?  Action was the message that resounded in me. And this chaplet is my response, inspiring in others the actions they can take to better God’s gift, our natural world.

I offer the Chaplet of Renewal of Our Common Home in many colours. Each chaplet comes with a prayer page and a plastic storage bag. Sample images and prices are shown below.

Please contact me to arrange for a purchase. Additional chaplets and rosaries are available on my Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads page.

Chaplet of Renewal of Our Common Home – $20

The linear Chaplet of Renewal of Our Common Home consists of a handmade woolen soft bead,  7 colourful and a glass end bead .

Chaplet of Renewal of Our Common Home

Chaplet of Renewal

Reflect rather than recite.

Chaplet of Renewal was created in 2020 during the early days of a world wide pandemic. Beginning that year, I had started the 30 week Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. The idea came to me almost a year before, where I wanted to create something unique for high school students. At the time, I knew I was not spiritually ready to create this bead strand. It needed to be modern, current and relevant to the lives of young people. It needed to be about whomever was praying it. As I walked through my weeks, the chaplet began to take shape and quickly became very clear. Reflection rather than recitation. It was born at a time where I feel I was deeply  connected with God, who guided me through every bead. This chaplet was a personal journey for me and I hope it can be one for you too.

I offer the Chaplet of Renewal in many colours. Each chaplet comes with a prayer page and a plastic storage bag. Sample images and prices are shown below.

Please contact me to arrange for a purchase. Additional chaplets and rosaries are available on my Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads page.

Chaplet of Renewal – $20

The linear Chaplet of Renewal consists of a handmade woolen medallion,  7 colourful and a glass end bead .

Chaplet of Renewal
Chaplet of Renewal

Prayer Bead Pilgrimage – A One-Day Retreat, Saturday, March 25, 2023

I will be facilitating a Prayer Bead Pilgrimage – A One-Day Retreat with Greg Kennedy Saturday, March 25, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Ignatius Jesuit Centre, 5420 Highway 6 North, Guelph, Ontario. 

Generations before us have appreciated the comfort of holding prayer beads in their hands.

Join us in a new and modern approach to this old tradition. You will begin this daylong journey by stringing your own Chaplet of Renewal, created by local artist Kristin McCarthy, using colourful glass beads and a handmade woolen medallion. Your hands will hold a newly made-by-you chaplet that asks you to discern your gifts, your sorrows and God’s forgiveness and mercy. With the same bead strand you will then meditate the Chaplet of Renewal of Our Common Home reflecting on your relationship with the natural world. You will explore and appreciate the nature around you and reflect on ways you can be a good servant to the Creator’s love alive in Creation.

The day will include silent time for reflection, a guided walk on the beautiful land of Ignatius Jesuit Centre, and a chance to share with others your experience.

All materials included. All are welcome. For those unable to string their own chaplet, one will be provided. Snacks, coffee and tea provided.

Please bring with you: your own lunch, reading glasses if needed, a journal to write in.

The cost is $75.00.

Apply here

Please come to see us.