This chaplet is known as the “Chaplet for the Dead”, but I changed the name of this out of respect for the loving souls who have gone before us and to those of us they have left behind. This is not to be mistaken for another chaplet for Holy Souls that is much longer, with a different set of prayers.
This chaplet consists of four decades as well as the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity. Prayer for the dead is one of the greatest acts of charity we can perform. Our prayers help the deceased during their time in Purgatory, so that they can enter more quickly into the fullness of heaven. Recitation of the Acts enables one to enter into prayer and reach awareness of the presence of God. Those who devote themselves to this chaplet are performing a work which is very acceptable to God and very useful to the holy soul in Purgatory. At the same time, those reciting these prayers are open to receiving God’s many graces as well.
A beautiful chaplet that honours Mary as well, reciting “Sweet Heart of Mary, be my Salvation” on the Ave beads.
I offer the Chaplet for the Holy Souls in various colour combinations. Each chaplet comes with a prayer page and a plastic storage bag. Sample images and prices are shown below.
Please contact me to arrange for a purchase. Additional chaplets and rosaries are available on my Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads page.
Chaplet for the Holy Souls – $25
The Chaplet for the Holy Souls consists of 48 beads ending with a beaded tassel.