May You Find Peace With Wool Of The Lamb Prayer Beads

Featured Image Photo Credit: Kristin McCarthy

Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads Offer Peace

When we think of a Rosary we are most familiar with a metal crucifix or a medal of a saint. Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads use soft, colourful wool instead. I felt my knitted and crocheted designs, all by hand, and then add them to a Rosary or one of my many Chaplets. I make many ‘ends’, such as sheep, a cross, a stemmed rose, a shamrock, a heart, a little pouch, and a Holy Water vial. I also make beaded tassels with either a glass bead or a hand made woolen bead. I enjoy coming up with new designs as my list continues to grow (and my collection of wool seems to be growing too).

I use colourful glass beads—different shapes and sizes. All of my bead strands are hand strung on heavy, braided line that is long lasting and does not stretch easily. Each strand comes with its own prayer page, instructing how to pray the chaplet (or rosary), including a photo and step by step directions all in a storage bag.

Holding Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads in your hands while praying or meditating offers you comfort. The softness of the wool feels good to the touch. The ritual of repeating a prayer on each bead helps you to relax, breathe deeply and calm yourself, especially when the day has too many demands.

The practice of being prayerful has many advantages. First and foremost, you will gain a better relationship with God. Speaking to Him and inviting Him into your life is what God wants most from us. As you do this more often, you will begin to see blessings in your life that you hadn’t noticed before. If you let Him, God will bless you with His love and His mercy will take flight in your heart. You will begin to see changes in yourself—patience, kindness and care to those around you. You may even feel more peaceful, more tolerant and a whole lot calmer. Any problems you face during your day or in your life will be easier to tackle. Being prayerful will change your life, one bead at a time.

For more information, visit my Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads page or contact me.