The Chaplet of St. Raymond Nonnatus is a linear bead strand with a first larger ending followed by 2 beads, 3 sets of 4 beads (3 oval and 1 marker), and a final smaller ending. The first three prayers (larger ending and 2 beads) and the last prayer (smaller ending) ask for the intercession of St. Raymond Nonnatus. The main prayers used to pray the linear bead set of this chaplet are the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be. After much research, I created this chaplet myself, using the prayers of St. Raymond’s Novena.
He is the Patron Saint of childbirth, children, falsely accused people, fever, infants, midwives, newborn babies, obstetricians and pregnant women.
This chaplet is shipped with a prayer page providing instructions on its use and with a plastic storage bag to protect both the chaplet and the prayer page.
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