He suffered great hardship throughout his life. He states, “I am a slave in Christ to a foreign nation for the unspeakable glory of the eternal life which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
Patron Saint and national apostle of Ireland
Patrick grew up between Rivers Clyde and Severn. Irish pirates kidnapped and enslaved him. He escaped after six years of servitude and returned home. His captivity had a deep religious effect on him and he wished to bring Christianity to the Irish people. He studied for the priesthood and was ordained in France. In a dream he heard “the voice of the Irish calling him back” and so he returned to Ireland as a missionary. He was appointed Bishop of Ireland in about AD 435. He divided the country into dioceses and encouraged the beginnings of monastic orders. He devoted himself to spreading Christianity to a people that worshipped the sun. Patrick’s own account of his conversion and missionary life is known as the Confessio. In it he saw himself as a humble instrument in God’s hands, given gifts of wisdom and strength to bring an alien people to the true faith. Through the use of the shamrock emblem, St. Patrick brings us the Holy Trinity.
The Feast Day of St. Patrick is March 17.
I offer two versions of the Chaplet of St. Patrick in various colour combinations. Each chaplet comes with a prayer page and a plastic storage bag. Sample images and prices are shown below.
Please contact me to arrange for a purchase. Additional chaplets and rosaries are available on my Wool of the Lamb Prayer Beads page.
Chaplet of St. Patrick – $17
The Chaplet of St. Patrick consists of 12 beads ending with a beaded tassel.

Chaplet of St. Patrick – Felted – $17
The Chaplet of St. Patrick Felted consists of 12 beads ending with a felted shamrock.