Hail Mary Decade Chaplet Workshop

For Children and Adults

The cost is $8 per kit.

As the Hail Mary Decade Chaplet is just one decade of the Rosary, it is significantly smaller than a full Rosary, but is nonetheless just as beautiful. It remains a prayerful exercise that encourages you to be still and mindful and can be done privately or communally by offering the Catholic faithful a shared commonality. It helps us all to better our relationship with Our Blessed Mother Mary as well as Her Son. The way to Jesus is through His mother.

Some find the Rosary overwhelming with its mysteries, prayers and meditations and regrettably avoid the Rosary altogether. Or some may feel that the prayers take too long. This Hail Mary Decade Chaplet may appeal to you and to those who are interested in praying the Rosary but are looking for a simpler option. A decade chaplet is great way to either begin praying the rosary or to bring it back into your life. You can focus and meditate on just one mystery while reciting one Our Father and 10 Hail Mary prayers. Before you know it you will be praying the whole rosary on just one decade strand.

The Hail Mary Decade Chaplet is a wonderful way to begin a relationship with Our Blessed Mother Mary. She watches over those who honour her and answers those who ask for her intercession.

In this workshop, following my instructions, each participant will make their own Hail Mary Decade Chaplet, which begins with a woolen cross, continues with 10 “Hail Mary” beads and finishes with a coordinating glass end bead. Each chaplet kit comes with a prayer page and plastic storage bag. After the chaplet is strung together, we pray the chaplet as a group.

For more information or if you would like to host a Wool of the Lamb Prayer Bead workshop, visit my Kristin’s Workshops page or contact me.