Host A Prayer Bead Workshop

Are you a creative type? Are you interested in beading? Are you interested in praying in a new way?

Well, perhaps Wool of the Lamb Prayer Bead Workshop is for you!

Using my designs and unique felted wool pieces, you can create your own bead strand. We begin by discussing the theme of the bead strand. With my instruction, you string your own chaplet with the beads of your choice, or kits that I have put together. I supply all the necessary tools for the workshop, such as string, beads, felted piece, prayer page and storage bag. Then as a group, we pray the chaplet together to complete the workshop.

It is a great way to

  • Deepen your prayer life
  • Gain a better understanding of God through prayer
  • Learn about Saints and the history of our Catholic Faith
  • Offer our Catholic Faithful a continuous personal faith development
  • Share our faith and pray as a community

Workshop For Children – Grades 4—6

Chaplet of the Eight Evangelical Virtues of Mary Workshop

A great way to teach children about Mary and how we can become more like her.

Workshops for Adults

Chaplet of St. Francis Workshop

Get to know St. Francis and begin to understand why our Pope Francis has chosen to be his follower.

I have several other chaplets ready to be a workshop.

For more information or if you would like to host a Wool of the Lamb Prayer Bead workshop, visit my Kristin’s Workshops page or contact me.